Hèctor Parra amb Pere Arquillué, Lluïsa Espigolé i Imma Santacreu MIXTUR 2023
We find the artistic path that Joan Miró weaves with great tenacity during the decade of the thirties, immersed in the tumultuous political, social and economic changes that characterized her, particularly inspiring. The proclamation of the 2nd Republic, the military coup of 1936, the horror of the civil war and the advent of Francoism, a four-year exile and the subsequent flight from the Nazi invasion of France culminate, paradoxically, in the formidable series of 23 constellations that he painted between January 1940 and September 1941. With these small format gouaches Miró brings to the world an exemplary model of tenacity, artistic development, plastic harmony as well as human integrity in a of the darkest moments in history.
Based on an original request by Carmen Martínez-Pierret, between April 2020 and 2023 the composer Hèctor Parra and the poet Arnau Pons have been immersed in the composition of a poetic-musical cycle inspired by the Constellations. In the company of the pianist Imma Santacreu, Hèctor Parra has explored on the piano – first in an improvised way and then by crystallizing an adapted writing – all of a series of special techniques that use a multitude of objects in order to bring -us to a melodramatic form that arose directly from his own experience of the micro-universes suggested by each constellation, and which aims to challenge the public to experience it in the first person. Thus, this cycle is a journey into the inner world of the composer himself as well as the poet, which externalizes Miró’s painting in the form of a complex musical canvas: ethereal or dense, smooth or rough, delicate or rough. In the hands of pianists Imma Santacreu and Lluïsa Espigolé, the piano is transformed into an almost electroacoustic instrument. In combination with the poems written by Arnau Pons and performed live by the actor Pere Arquillué, a complete and suggestive universe is born where the stars align with each sound intervention, when our own constellations of emotions shout they resonate, in turn, in the poetic-musical universe of the work.
Hector Parra
Lluïsa Espigolé and Imma Santacreu, piano / Pere Arquillué, recital