Home Events Dimecres de so i cos Dimecres de so i cos Andrés Corchero & Liba Villavecchia

Dimecres de so i cos Andrés Corchero & Liba Villavecchia

“What sweet words, by God alive! That the sun from that mouth of carnations melts the snow from my grey hair.”

Lope de Vega.

Despair has white hair and it is a sensation that is felt minute by minute. It is like a nine-headed hydra that bites your neck and won’t let go. Liba Villavecchia and Andrés Corchero met when the present was still the 20th century and shared countless events and projects. They gave free rein to improvisation and to the codification of the fusion between dance and music, both within the Andrés Corchero Dance Company and within Liba Villavecchia’s Trio Local. Together they founded the influential Improvised Music and Dance collective IBA, exceptionally active during the late 1990s in Barcelona, and through which they trained a whole generation of creative and experimental artists.

For their reunion after several years without collaborating, they have embraced the duo format and have decided to let themselves be carried away by the impulse provided by the baggage of several decades of experimentation. Driven by this tremendous energy, they have let their grey hairs guide them along the emotional paths that life has given them. Without guile or assumptions. Dry.


18 Oct 2023


19:00 - 20:00

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