Rítmia. Emma Villavecchia

Rhythm was born out of a shared fascination between dancer and choreographer Emma Villavecchia and musician and songwriter Maurici Villavecchia over rhythm and percussion. In this piece they explore the poetics of rhythm, with multisensory polyrhythms in which the sound rhythm and the visual rhythm complement, amplify or nuance each other. The Solkattu Carnatic Rhythmic Solfeggio and the Nuzic Musical Language, a new system devised by Mauritius that highlights the numerical aspects of music, accompany them throughout the creative process as a source of inspiration and as a common language.

Sala PB
29 and 30 of January

Original idea Maurici Villavecchia and Emma Villavecchia
Artistic director Emma Villavecchia
Director assistant Maria Soberón
Choreography Emma Villavecchia in collaboration with the dancers
Musical composition Mauricio Villavecchia
Lighting design Joana Serra
Dancers Maria Soberón, Ursa Sekirnik, Emma Villavecchia
Musicians Mario G. Cortizo and Dani Munarriz
extern eye Federica Porello
technic coordination Sergio Roca
Sound enginer Jonbi Belategui
Photographie and video Mireia Lozano, Maria Soberon, Tristán Pérez-Martín
Invited artists to research labs Mireia de Querol, Majo Villafaina, Claudia Solwatt, Óscar Lozano, Maria Mora, Urša Sekirnik, Marta Hervás, Laura Martínez, Magí Serra, Blanca Tolsà, Ona Fusté, Raquel Gualtero, Laura Alcalà, Emma Riba, Federica Porello, Xavi Moreno, Laila Tafur, Malen Iturri, Celien Mertens
Executive production Maurici Villavecchia
Thanks to Javi Garrabella, Max Villavecchia, Gerard Porqueres, Magí Serra, Majo Villafaina, Salva Sanchis, Júlia Rúbies, Blanca Tolsà, Raquel Gualtero, Laura Alcalà, Claudia Solwatt, Sam Morrison, Nina Amat
Gestió i producció Maria Soberón i Emma Villavecchia amb el suport d’Elclimamola
with de suport of P.A.R.T.S, CC Parc Sandaru, CC Barceloneta, Casa Elizalde, CC Fort Pienc, Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya


29 Jan 2022


18:00 - 20:00


12,00 €

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Mercat de les Flors


Mercat de les Flors
Carrer de Lleida, 59, Barcelona, Spain
Mercat de les Flors


Mercat de les Flors
+34 93 256 26 00
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