Home Events Fundació Antòni Tàpies Acte Verge. Intervenció sonora

Acte Verge. Intervenció sonora

Acte Verge. Intervenció Sonora.

Fundació Antòni Tàpies

Saturday 29 at 10:00h

Sunday 30 at12:00h

Free admission with museum admission.

In response to The Source Archives and Marcel Duchamp’s readymade channeled through the work of Saâdane Afif, we question the concept of influence, such as when John Cage – referring to Duchamp – had called “the impossibility of action repeated ”.
A virgin act vindicates all repetition as a virgin act that eludes rational control and what is pre-recorded, and that the idea of ​​originality fades into the process of reproduction. Taking this concept as a starting point, a group of artists, former students of the Master in Sound Art at the University of Barcelona, ​​proposes a two-day sound intervention that responds to the unique architectural structure of the Fundació Antoni Tapies, a real-time component of a slowly evolving space sound field: sounds and gestures that invade the museum and transform it.

Intervention directed by Barbara Held, by: Maria Durán, Oscar de la Fuente Mathias Klenner, Luis López Casero, Haize Lizarazu, EMARX, Ginebra Raventós and Javier Rojas.

Activity as part of Studio inframince, an activity program curated by Erich Weiss, around the Saâdane Afif exhibition. Els Arxius de la Font i més enllà.


29 Jan 2022


10:00 - 14:00

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Fundació Antòni Tàpies
Carrer d’Aragó 255 08007 Barcelona (Espanya)

The Antoni Tàpies Foundation was created in 1984 by the artist Antoni Tàpies with the aim of promoting the study and knowledge of modern and contemporary art.


Fundació Antòni Tàpies
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