Nova edició del CIMIC, el Cicle Itinerant de Música Improvisada de Catalunya
From January to April, the Cicle Itinerant de Música Improvisada de Catalunya (cIMIc) celebrates a new edition with four musical proposals that will tour six different cities and spaces in Catalonia, among which is the Espai Eat Art in Banyoles and the Espai Isern Dalmau in Barcelona of the Lluís Coromina Foundation. Igualada (Cicle Cuir), Vic (Jazz Cava), La Seu d’Urgell (El Refugi Bookstore) and Olot (Can Batet) complete the circuit. It is an initiative by DUOT (Albert Cirera and Ramon Prats) which starts from the experience of having organized concerts in their hometowns, Igualada and Banyoles, with the subsequent incorporation of Barcelona, and which has a double objective: on the one hand, to decentralize the proposals for improvised music, and on the other, to offer musicians the possibility of performing a series of 6 consecutive concerts in different parts of the territory. A challenge and a chance for the artists at the same time to face creation live, and also for the public, who will be able to enjoy sharing this creative experience. The proposals that are part of this edition are:
January 9: Espai Isern Dalmau, Barcelona
January 10: Leather Cycle, Igualada
January 11: El Refugi Bookstore, Seu d’Urgell
January 12: Eat Art Space, Banyoles
January 13: Can Batet, Olot
January 14: Jazz Cava, Vic
Tracapangã explores the binomial of rhythm and melody from a singular and tongue-in-cheek perspective. They are defined with these words or sounds: “______DRANTANKAN_TURITANDANTI___TURITANDANKAN___TANDANKAN_____ ______TRAPAM_DETRAPAM__DETRAPANGAM____TRAPAN-DE____TRIPAGNïnGAM______”. João Pereira is a musician, composer and performer active in a myriad of styles and creative contexts. Mariana Dionísio is a singer, improviser and composer who has questioned the role of the voice in musical tradition, exploring its technical, timbral and poetic potential as a sound expression of words.
Marianna Dionísio – voice
João Lopes – drums
Joao Braz/Ángel Faraldo
January 30: Espai Isern Dalmau, Barcelona
January 31: Leather Cycle, Igualada
February 1: El Refugi Bookstore, Seu d’Urgell
February 2: Eat Art Space, Banyoles
February 3: Can Batet, Olot
February 4: Jazz Cava, Vic
“Braz & Faraldo. Cello & No-input-mixer. Improvised Music”. This is how to define this duo that does not waste time on adjectives. Focused on the verb, on the action and on the risk of venturing without fear, starting from scratch at each concert.
Glòria Ros/Anna Subirana
March 5: Espai Isern Dalmau, Barcelona
March 6: Leather Cycle, Igualada
March 7: El Refugi Bookstore, Seu d’Urgell
March 8: Eat Art Space, Banyoles
March 9: Can Batet, Olot
March 10: Jazz Cava, Vic
Movement, vibration, sound, shape, listening. A shared time, territories of unknown textures to explore. To be instantly, with each other, playing, dancing… and you listening.
This duo is a proposal from the CIC (Cicle Improvisació Catalunya) with the aim of creating links between the different generations of Catalan improvisers, helping interdisciplinary creation and giving visibility to female talent within the circuit of creative music.
Julian Sanchez
April 9: Espai Isern Dalmau, Barcelona
April 10: Leather Cycle, Igualada
April 11: El Refugi Bookstore, Seu d’Urgell
April 12: Eat Art Space, Banyoles
April 13: Can Batet, Olot
April 14: Jazz Cava, Vic
Julián Sánchez is one of the greatest exponents of improvised music in the peninsula. He has a long career alongside artists such as David Murray, Axel Dörner or Marcus Breuss. His speech has been consolidated during his stays in New York, South Africa and Brazil, where he has been nourished from all sources without fear of losing his identity.
Angel Faraldo
Anna Subirana
Glòria Ros
João Braz
João Lopes
Julián Sánchez
Marianna Dionísio