FESTIVAL MIXTUR : SUR|:ROUND:|INGS ensemble via nova
SUD|:ROUND:|INGS is about circles. The stars orbit their galaxies while we live our lives in the same circles and daily routines. To represent this theme, we combine works written for ensemble via nova by renowned German composers with compositions proposed by the Mixtur Festival. Scenically we incorporate the concert hall and integrate live video and electronics. Founded in 1994 by the composer J. K. Hildebrandt with the aim of presenting varied chamber music programs with its own entity, the ensemble has acquired an excellent reputation as a chamber ensemble. Both as a group and as soloists, the via nova ensemble members regularly appear on stages and festivals across Europe. Notable are his tours of Switzerland, Italy, UK and South Korea, as well as collaboration with various renowned ensembles in the concert series COI:N:IECT, BKA and a recording session at WDR.
Fünf (2017), Johannes K Hildebrandt (DE) – 10′
miniature for Accordeon (2022), Jaeduk Kim (KR) – 2′ (Mixtur Composition Workshop Student)
Present (2020), Oriol Saladrigues (Catalonia) – 11′
unlocation (2022), Ni Zheng (CN) – 2′ (Mixture Composition Workshop student)
Wirrwarr Song Nr.4: Vergänglichkeit (2021), Margareta Ferek-Petric (HR) – 9’
(in) (2022), Carolina Carrizo (AR) – 2′ (Student of the Mixed Composition Workshop)
SIGHTINGS (2022), Raquel García-Tomàs (music) Pere Ginard (video) (Catalonia) – 10’ *
Energeia aphanès III – physis (2019) Michael Quell (DE) – 12′
Marianna Schürmann (DE), fl/Neža Torkar (SI), ac/Nikita Geller (RU), vl/Moritz Schneidewendt (DE), cl/Daniel Gutiérrez (ES), vc Guest director: Lautaro Mura
*Co-commissioned by Festival Mixtur, Institut Ramon Llull & Hémisphère Son.
Buy tickets at: https://entradium.com/es/events/festival-mixtur-2022/sessions/07-10-2022-20-00-barcelona