Home Events Dimecres de so i cos Dimecres de so i cos Rara avis (un solo d’Andrés Corchero)

Dimecres de so i cos Rara avis (un solo d’Andrés Corchero)

When I was a child, in moments of restlessness, nervousness or unbridled play, my mother used to say to me: “Be still, you look like you’re doing the St. Vitus dance”. This phrase has remained in my memory ever since, and although at the time I didn’t know what she really meant, I have repeated it countless times in similar situations to other people.

Over time I have learned that this was said because St. Vitus was the saint to whom they prayed to be cured of an illness, the symptoms of which were to move uncontrollably and wildly, giving the sensation that they were dancing. There are many theories about this: some say it was an illness produced by a sting that affected the nervous system, others say it was an internal mental breakdown. What was very curious was that it manifested itself in a group, taking on the character of a dance and choreography.

Also because of the strange character of the movements, I have always found it fascinating for its expressive richness beyond the form.

These are the main reasons that move me to approach this fact from an artistic point of view. Thus, to become a sick dance body is to get closer to myself as a dancer.

Andres Corchero

Wednesday of sound and body 2023 builds on the proposals of:



25 Oct 2023


19:00 - 20:00

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