Magnetic decline in Cibrán’s first treball. Riccardo Massari Spiritini and Adrià Bofarull plan a changing and spontaneous sonorous ensemble that is as airy as a jellyfish in the sun, as it ends up frantic for dark walks without passing due vegades for the mateix llocAdrià Bofarull has immediate electronic compositions that have been carried to improvise live with a good part of the live scene of the city of Barcelona and to publish in seguells de tot el mon els suus treballs. Always in constant search, the seu is an os at the limit of his own speech.
Riccardo Massari Spiritini is a composer and performer of acoustic and electronic music. Porta almenys 30 anys treballant in the camp of music and arts. The six creations include piano music, strings, winds, percussion and electronics, original instruments (tarcordium) and electronic mitjans.
Communion between El Pricto and Luis Erades, an electroacoustic ensemble to donate the replica to his cartell companies with the fusing of the alt saxophone and bariton of LUIS ERADES with the modular synthesizers of the Pricto
Adrià Bofarull
Ricardo Massari Spirintini