Dimecres de so i cos Corpografies inclassificables
In the same way that cartography is concerned with representing the information that appears on a map, corpography is concerned with representing everything that appears on a body. Writing is from the body, with the body and in the body, where everything intangible is also present. Bodies that are mediums, channels and media crossed by signs, signals, symbols and syndromes, opening up to everything unclassifiable to be choreographed.
The creation of this collective performance arises from the process carried out by the participants of the Laboratory Corpografies inclassificables under the direction of Zoe Balasch.
By: Ivan Bercedo, Anna Cabal, Sígrid Kollmannsperger Hernauz, Júlia Martinez, Helena Minguet, Marika Nava, Foteini Konstantina Nikolaidou, Guillem Rodri, Lulu Sauch Rius, Berta Solé Rosell, Marta Trepat, Limber A. Vivas and @poetabarcelona.
Zoe Balasch