Women Light Music I Inauguració Temporada 2023 de Xcèntric
This season’s opening session presents a series of films that address the relationship between women and musical composition. These are films with composition models very similar to those of music, scores where the sounds are notated in the form of images that work on their synchrony, where what is seen and what is heard is often materially the same. These kinetic compositions by Eugènia Balcells, Mary Ellen Bute, Lis Rhodes and Blanca Rego serve as a pretext to highlight the presence of female composers in the history of music.
Flight, Eugènia Balcells, Spain, 1984, U-matic to digital, 8’ (video score with live music by Clara Lai)
Synchromy no. 4, Mary Ellen Bute and Ted Nemeth, United States, 1937, 35 mm to digital, 4’
Synchromy no. 2, Mary Ellen Bute and Ted Nemeth, United States, 1935, 35 mm to digital, 6’
Rhythm in Light, Mary Ellen Bute, Ted Nemeth and Melville Webber, United States, 1934, 35 mm to 16 mm, 5’
Notes on Light Music, Lis Rhodes, United Kingdom, 1975, 16 mm to digital, 12’
Dresden Dynamo, Lis Rhodes, United Kingdom, 1971, 16 mm, 5’
Computer Music Studies, Blanca Rego and Mikel R. Nieto, Spain, 2015, digital, 39’ (excerpt, 8’)
Polka Graph, Mary Ellen Bute, United States, 1947, 35 mm to 16 mm, 5’
Tarantela, Mary Ellen Bute, Norman McLaren and Ted Nemeth, United States, 1940, 35 mm to 16 mm, 5’
RGB Colour Model, Blanca Rego, Spain, 2016, digital, 5’
Copy of Flight provided by Hamaca. Copies of Synchromy no. 2 and Synchromy no. 4 provided by Light Cone. Copies of Rhythm in Light, Polka Graph and Tarantela provided by Arsenal. Copies of Notes on Light Music and Dresden Dynamo provided by Lux. Copies of Computer Music Studies and RGB Colour Model courtesy of Blanca Rego.
Participants: Clara Lai
Directors: Eugènia Balcells, Blanca Rego, Mary Ellen Bute, Lis Rhodes, Norman McLaren, Ted Nemeth, Melville Webber
This activity is part of Xcèntric 2023