After receiving some pieces of family heritage and listening to his artistic need, he decides to start his second work alone.
Nu.A is a show where he strips off his instruments to go to everyday objects with the aim of getting closer to their origins. Go inside to be able to transmit outside. Starting from the simple to reach the complex. Go from ancient to modern. A work of listening and reflection. A robust and simple sound treatment passed through the filter of electronics and with pre-recorded and acoustic soundscapes that interact with the images in real time.
Music and idea: Núria Andorrà
Videos: Jordi Plana and Ricard Vives
Electronics design: Josep M. Comajuncosas
Photography: Jordi Plana
External view: Marga Socias
€12 online purchase – €15 box office
subscription 3 shows
€30 online
Núria AndorràPercussió