Home Events Mercat de les Flors Constel·lacions – Núria Andorrà

Constel·lacions – Núria Andorrà

Núria Andorra presents the winning project of the last edition of the Puig-Porret Award of the Vic Viva Music Festival. Constellations is a show where there is music and circus from experienced artists in their areas.

Artists concur on the stage to create a piece where images and sound are the generators of landscapes and emotions. The composition seeks beauty and attention in simplicity to leave room for the viewer to perform his own interpretation.

It is an inclusive experience for the public, who can travel to a universe present in the room, zoom in and move from one to the whole, from the individual to the collective. Time becomes three-dimensional, farthings look close and vice versa.

The use of different real-time sounding techniques will create a unique experience where sounds travel through space, which is versatile, a specific site in the treatment of environment, technique and space, which gives the show a very unusual sound dimension.


Núria Andorrà, percussion, direction and composition
Ariadna Torner, violin
Davíd Diez Ménendez and Sophie Núñez Rodríguez, circus

Sabina Covarrubias, visual artist
Mateu Roc, sound design and lights

Vicenç Herrero, lights

1 and 2 June at the Market of Flowers (Mercat de les Flors), Poble Sec, Barcelona

Tickets from 16e.



01 Jun 2022


20:00 - 22:00


16,00 €

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Mercat de les Flors


Mercat de les Flors
Carrer de Lleida, 59, Barcelona, Spain
Mercat de les Flors


Mercat de les Flors
+34 93 256 26 00
[email protected]
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