Home Events Ateneu d’Arts i Oficis de Vallcarca Dimecres 3 de Maig – Ateneu d’Arts i Oficis de Vallcarca

Dimecres 3 de Maig – Ateneu d’Arts i Oficis de Vallcarca

You are more than welcome to come to the concert we will be doing on May 3 from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Vallcarca University of Arts and Crafts (Av. Vallcarca 77, <M> Vallcarca L3, enter through the gray metal door) . It will work with a reverse box office (recommended contribution €5 or more) 3 bands will play and it will have a mixture of dance, atmosphere/noise in equal parts and experimentation with modulars.

– Touching Grounds: Maartje Pasman and Stefan Voglsinger examine the intersection of movement, ambient noise music and multimedia installation. Based on observations from his recent trip to the island of Java, Indonesia, his transmedia improvisation aims to explore the relationship between synesthetic memory and auditory perception. Body memory and field recordings feed the process of his artistic research. Electronica and rhythmic repetitions become the soundtrack of a hypnotic soundtrack of a hypnotic dance show

– Fließgewässer: (alias of Heinzel’s personal sonic expression) is intentionally mysterious and playful electroacoustic music, originating from random conversations about a generally uncertain future that forces you to always improvise. https://krimskramz.com/fliessgewaesser/

– Pensament Salvatge: Pensament Salvatge is the pseudonym that Éric uses for his compositions with Eurorack modules, using melodic excesses to try to materialize the moods that surround him inside. The chosen title is not in babalà and suggests a play on words between pansamento (also known as viola tricolor, a flowering plant of the violacea family) and wild (wild, which grows in a disorderly manner), i.e. , the project has mental health as its leitmotif and is often accompanied by a graphic showing burning houses: a direct symbolism with the ferocious intensities that this can generate. He is currently working on his first demo. https://soundcloud.com/pensamentsalvatge


03 May 2023


18:00 - 20:00


Ateneu d'Arts i Oficis de Vallcarca
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