Âmago : Cirerot. Arts Sant Mònica
“At the end of November 2020, when almost everything was at a standstill, I was lucky enough to do a streaming concert at the Espírito Santo Church in Caldas de Rainha in Portugal, a country where I always feel very welcome.
The sound of the Espírito Santo Church captured me, in fact it made me fall in love. I had found the space where I wanted to record my second solo album and I did it in May 2021. The result was Âmago.
With the soprano I was looking for a meeting between my most admired references, E. Parker, S. Reich and J.S. Bach. Both the harmony and the repetition and the abstract melodic lines weave a hypnotic mantra that transports me to another dimension.
With the tenor I explore the world of multiphonics, where searching and trying strange and unconventional combinations with the fingers, the sax reacts and discovers new sounds, hidden inside. Secret sounds that transform the instrument into a modular synthesizer, a kind of electronic device.
Âmago are some of these variations. But live allows me to play with sound exploration and with the constant transformation of the instrument. Various artefacts, cardboard cups, plastic tubes, coins are added to the game… a constantly changing sound sculpture.
A live exploration to keep evolving.
Unlearn the learn. Play to find the hidden melody in the chaos where I get lost. Improvise and, finally, stop time”.
Albert Cirera _ saxophone and objects
Arts Sant mònica: Sala Bar